A Fresh New Few

I really, REALLY want to get The Jolly Troop pattern/craft paper moving. Depending on the day and who you ask, it's either easy or hard. The Jolly Troop has had some designs that we've featured before - and we're going to do those. However, we've decided to expand our circle and invite some crazy-talent to assist with our first collection of paper! These "fresh new few" are great friends of The Jolly Troop and incredible designers within their own right! Who are they, you ask? We'll let you know... very soon.

We're going to be working on Collection 1 with aims to show them off at CHA in July. Not the biggest of shows, but one that will help create an awareness of us and what we're about. We also hope to move the pattern paper into textiles, too.

Lastly, here is an illustration we put together. Thought it would work well for patterns, book covers, or a matching game. Thoughts?

We Felt More.

We're on our way to our friends at Purl Soho. They were super friendly when we were asking about materials, colors, and helps for creating the felties. They were interested in the final results, so we're going to reply.

There might be a change with the hanging loop. We like the same color strand, but may find a better and thinner solution.

In addition, we've made some good ways at La Casita Yarn Shop Café. Folks kinda went crazy (in a good way) when they saw the felties. They have loads of yarn in massive amounts and tucked away in the back is a counter with quiches and empanadas (I preferred the spinach). We hope to maintain a good relationship with them as they are a great community craft provider.

Finally... Felting Algernon

We went ahead and took a spin with felt. Algernon was down with modeling which we were grateful for b/c... everybody loves Algernon. Some needles, some scissors, some thread and a bit a glue (for the hanging loop) and look what came about?

This "felty" measures 5" from beak to tail; 3.25" from top to bottom; 1.25" thick (we won't say fat). The hanging loop is 3" from bird to tip of the loop, which gives Al plenty of options to hang from different things: hooks, mirrors, Christmas trees, handles, and long noses.

This is just a start. We have an Etsy shop set up and we'll be putting this felty and the others up really soon, so make sure to check us there!