Dred Fred would peck your eyes out if he found out you thought he was a member of The Jolly Troop! Beware! Dred Fred is abysmal and absolutely terrible. He likes to ruin everything possible and is determined to make Red Fred's life sad and scary! He's combing dark alleys and shadows to find other misfit birds that have coal-dark hearts, like him, so he can create his own league, The Spooky Troop.
Dred Fred would peck your eyes out if he found out you thought he was a member of The Jolly Troop! Beware! Dred Fred is abysmal and absolutely terrible. He likes to ruin everything possible and is determined to make Red Fred's life sad and scary! He's combing dark alleys and shadows to find other misfit birds that have coal-dark hearts, like him, so he can create his own league, The Spooky Troop.