Preview: Red Fred Bodoni, Pattern No. 1

We are working with some good friends that also happen to be good designers. They are coming up with patterns that we are going to make into paper. The intention is to preview these next week and then have a space online to purchase the paper - it'll be a download until we can have them created.

This is Pattern No. 1, designed by Dallas. Three other designers will show you their spin on RFB, making the collection varied and fantastic.

Coloring Page: An Anagram from Algernon

With the Passover and Easter weekend closing in, Algernon wanted to contribute something unique. So he decided to make an anagram based on this seasonal celebration. Not only is Anagram his last name, an anagram is a word game where you mix up words to create others. For example: The Morse Code = Here Come Dots; or The Eyes = They See; or Astronomer = Moon Starer (we got these from Funny Anagrams). We included a nice illustration of the anagram, along with a coloring page that goes with it.

Up for a game? Here's how it works: the first person to respond with the correct anagram answer on our blog will receive 5 free "Thank You" Word Cage Cards (maybe we should have made a DIY Food Rag as the give-away...).

Good luck!

Coloring Page: Classic Troop

It's been a long while since we posted up a coloring page! Here's our Friday post. Click on it, download, and then print out for your coloring frenzy.

If you can't quite remember which color goes where, just look at the blog masthead for visual hints (what's a masthead? Click here for a little education. Thanks

But do you know what would be great to see? The Jolly Troop in Easter egg coloring fashion with stripes and dots and swirls. Or... how about camouflaged?!

Send us what you came up with through my email: If things pan towards sharing, we'll post them up here.

Ciao for now...
